課程名稱: | 手斧男孩求生系列-自己的手斧自己造(1天) |
難易等級: | |
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內容介紹: | 關於手斧男孩的故事,想必大家都知道.凡事喜歡荒野、熱愛冒險的你,一定對書中求生的場景著迷,看著書,想像自己就是書中的主角。書中13歲的布萊恩,坐在飛越加拿大曠野的單引擎小飛機上,他是機上唯一的乘客。起飛不久,駕駛員心臟病突發.隨著飛機迅速墬落,所有的希望也跟著下墬。飛機摔落在杳無人煙的森林之中,布萊恩幸運地逃過一死.但是他必須在荒野森林中,獨自面對恐懼、飢餓、大黑熊、不知名的野獸,以及即將到臨的嚴冬。 生長在都市,吃著漢堡長大的布萊恩,如何讓自己活下去?赤手空拳的他如何為自己蓋一處遮風避野獸的處所?如何將電視上看到的鑽木取火理論,落實成為攸關生死存活的取暖之道?為了填飽肚子,這個城市少年學會打獵,並利用上飛機前,媽媽送的一支小斧頭,用獵得的大麋鹿僕為自己縫製禦寒的皮靴和皮衣,也學會如何掩藏烏龜蛋,防範其他野獸的搶食。54天的荒野奮鬥求生,讓城市少年布萊恩歷經一趟徹底的身心洗禮。 不管你是男孩或女孩,擁有一把手斧,尤其是自己打迼的手斧,將會是一生的夢想. 想成為手斧男孩或女孩嗎? 讓我們來打造一把屬於自己獨一無二的手斧! ▲Make your own hatchet Have you ever read the novel - Hatchet by Gary Paulsen? Brian is on his way to Canada to visit his estranged father when the pilot of his small prop plane suffers a heart attack. Brian is forced to crash-land the plane in a lake--and finds himself stranded in the remote Canadian wilderness with only his clothing and the hatchet his mother gave him as a present before his departure. Brian struggles to find food and make a shelter for himself. He has no special knowledge of the woods, and he must find a new kind of awareness and patience as he meets each day's challenges. Is the water safe to drink? Are the berries he finds poisonous? Slowly, Brian learns to turn adversity to his advantage--an invading porcupine unexpectedly shows him how to make fire, a devastating tornado shows him how to retrieve supplies from the submerged airplane. Most of all, Brian leaves behind the self-pity he has felt about his predicament as he summons the courage to stay alive. A story of survival and of transformation, this riveting book has sparked many a reader's interest in venturing into the wild. Want to be as brave as Brian? Let's build your own special hatchet! 費用包含講師、場地、設備及斧體、斧柄及斧皮鞘、中餐、保險 |
活動天數: | 1天 |
課程安排: |
09:00~09:30 學員集合、安全須知。 09:30~12:00 講解及練習熱鍛造(加熱、鍛敲) 12:00~12:30 用餐時間 13:00~14:30 斧木柄製作 14:30~16:30 手斧皮鞘製作 16:30~17:00 手斧打磨及試砍 |
課程費用: | 4800元 |
集合地點: | 楊梅水美攀岩館 |
如何前往: | 開車: 楊梅交流道下,往富岡方向開約3-5分鐘可到。 廢棄加油站和51號中間的小路進入即到達岩館,岩館門口,可停多部車,若停滿可停在加油站,但請留電話。 火車: 楊梅火車站下車,往富岡方向走約10分鐘,可見水美國小前一座天橋,往左邊走約1分鐘可見一廢棄加油站,廢棄加油站和51號中間的小路進即到達岩館。 |
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